
General Disclaimer

Welcome to our Privacy Policy page! When you use our web site services, you trust us with your information. This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand what data we collect, why we collect it, and what we do with it. When you share information with us, we can make our services even better for you. For instance, we can show you more relevant search results and ads, help you connect with people or to make sharing with others quicker and easier. As you use our services, we want you to be clear how we’re using information and the ways in which you can protect your privacy. This is important; we hope you will take time to read it carefully. Remember, you can find controls to manage your information and protect your privacy and security. We’ve tried to keep it as simple as possible.

Imperial Homes Development chances disclaimer

1. MONEY LAUNDERING REGULATIONS: Intending purchasers with be asked to produce identification documentation at a later stage, and we could ask for your co-operation in order that there will be no delay in agreeing the sale.

2. These particulars do not constitute part or all of an offer or contract.

3. The measurements indicated are supplied for guidance only and as such must be considered incorrect. Potential buyers are advised to recheck measurements before committing to any expense.

4. We have not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures, fittings or services, and it is in the buyers interest to check the working condition of any appliances.

5. Where an EPC, Home Report or, under former legislation, a Home Information Pack, is held for this property, it is available for inspection at our head office by appointment. If you require a printed version, you will need to pay a reasonable production charge reflecting printing and other costs.

6. We are not able to offer an opinion, either verbal or written, on the content of these reports and this must be obtained from your legal representative.

7. Whilst we take care in preparing these reports, a buyer should ensure that his/her legal representation confirms as soon as possible all matters relating to title including extent and boundaries of the property and other important matters before exchange of contracts.